Starting in 2019, Rental Expert and Elite adopted sprint updates to ensure our software is always the most innovative, feature-filled rental software available. Because updates are coming every couple weeks, we’re going to highlight a few items each quarter to show our progress – if you’re using versions 2018 or 2019, you can find all the details of every update in NetHelp.

Here are some highlights from Q3’s updates (a * indicates a user-suggested feature):

▶ Release Notes for Everybody!

The person installing an update to the system isn’t necessarily the person who needs the information most. Now every user will be prompted to read new release notes to find the features relevant to them. You’ll have the chance to decline or postpone reading them, but the more you read, the more you’ll be able to get from your software. And knowing is half the battle.

▶ See the Future!

If you’d like to set your Spring 2020 rates now, you can customize rate increases with a future date by category, instead of having to set them by item. You can choose to hold current reservations at the current price (or not). Basically, your software will know your future prices so there aren’t any surprises between you and your customers when it’s time to send the order out.

▶ Parts Where They’re Needed*!

Have a central location where your parts and equipment are shipped to by your vendors? Transfer items as they arrive at your hub to the store that needs them with an easy right-click. Their purchase order will be fulfilled and the transfer to that store will be initiated immediately. 

▶ Dynamic Transfers*!

When you’re restocking bulk items, the system will provide a list of items that can be transferred from one location to another to meet minimums at the receiving store (without causing the transferring store to fall below their minimum requirements). 

▶ Streamlined Dispatching*!

We continue to make the dispatching process smoother and more efficient. We’ve removed some prompts (like the one to print item instructions) and questions, allowing your dispatchers to spend their time worrying about more important things, like your drivers being on time and planning tomorrow’s routes.

▶ One, Two, Fee*!

Credit card convenience fees can be assessed when a credit card is taken as a payment, whether you’re taking the payment at the contract payment screen, account payments screen, or even via web orders. 

This is just a handful of the dozens of program tweaks and added features over the past three months. If you’re a Point of Rental Expert or Elite user and you’d like to upgrade to v2019, let us know at [email protected]. If you don’t have Point of Rental software, find out more about the features we offer to make your business more enjoyable to run by contacting us at [email protected].