Point of Rental's Inspection App is an ALH Award Finalist

Point of Rental Shortlisted for Access, Lift & Handlers Award

Point of Rental is a finalist in Access Rental Innovation category of Access, Lift & Handlers’ 2017 ALH Awards, thanks to its Inspection App, which works in conjunction with Rental Elite and Rental Expert software.

“We’re excited for people to discover what the Inspection App can do for their maintenance efficiency,” said CEO Wayne Harris. “I’m proud of our development team and the work they put into this to produce something that will really change the game for access equipment businesses.”

The Inspection App automates the inspection, maintenance, and service processes, and allows you to manage them via mobile device. Managers can set up the correct inspection processes for each item in the system, and technicians access their assigned inspections via mobile interface. Should a mission-critical checklist item fail inspection, an internal repair/maintenance order will automatically be created, moving equipment back to “ready to rent” status faster.

With nearly 60 entries across the 11 categories, the 2017 awards garnered more attention than any previous ALH Conference & Awards – final winners will be announced at the awards banquet in October.

Point of Rental provides award-winning rental software worldwide. To get started, contact [email protected] or call 844-943-7368.

Über Point of Rental Software

Point of Rental Software bietet intelligente, skalierbare Miet- und Bestandsverwaltungssoftware für über 5.000 Unternehmensstandorte aller Größen und Branchen. Mit Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Südafrika bietet Point of Rental der weltweiten Vermietungs- und Verleihbranche preisgekrönte Software und einen beispiellosen Kundensupport. Wenn Sie erfahren möchten, wie Ihr Unternehmen von Point of Rental profitieren kann, rufen Sie 844-943-7368 an, besuchen Sie pointofrental.com oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

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