Last year Point-of-Rental Software partnered with the Distrito de Alto Rendimiento/District of High Performance (DAR) schools in Guatemala to provide tablet computers for their classrooms. Because DAR’s mission is to shape a brighter future for its country through educating children living in extreme poverty, we knew we could help by implementing the tablets and accompanying technology through a multi-phase project spanning two years.

Last week two of our employees traveled to Retalheleu, an impoverished city located in the southwest region of Guatemala with beautiful views of nature and caring people. Here, the team served at the DAR school to set up the new computer lab and build the server to power the tablets. They were also able to visit local public schools, play games of fútbol with the kids, and deliver food to hungry families in need. Daniel and Bobby reported that the trip was a success and that the team returned impacted by this incredible cause and inspiring group of people.

Daniel Ruiz, IT specialist for Point-of-Rental said, “I knew I had the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to help improve DAR’s computer lab. What I didn’t know was the blessing that DAR’s teachers, leaders and students would be to me. I will never forget the smiles we were able to put on the teachers’ and students’ faces and I look forward to the day I can revisit and serve them again.”

Lourdes Morataya, Founder and CEO of DAR said, “A vital part of DAR’s educational track is providing the correct tools and technology for their alumni in order to prepare them for real-world opportunities. Point-of-Rental has provided significant contribution in this area with their expertise, investment of time and resources, and even by sending some of their trained personnel to help direct and execute the implementation of various, technology-based projects.

“We are both honored and humbled by the opportunity to work side-by-side with Point-of-Rental, and are deeply moved by their willingness to help support the change that is happening in another country. By sharing resources, two countries and organizations can come together to create a long-term, meaningful impact.”

DAR’s vision extends beyond the education of these children to a genuine care of people and a drive to create a brighter tomorrow. We see the lives that are impacted by this organization, and believe there’s a brighter future for these kids, their country and our world. We’re grateful that we can be a part of it.