uLearn dashboard mockup on a laptop

You Learn, I Learn, We All Learn With uLearn

FORT WORTH – Point of Rental users have a new assistant when they’re trying new processes in their software. uLearn is a web-based, searchable solution that empowers rental operators by giving them access to materials that guide them through the software in the ways they learn best.

“We’re excited to have this documentation available to everyone. Our whole team has been working hard to ensure information is up to date and to create hundreds of tutorial videos,” said Ed Hewitt, senior manager of learning and development at Point of Rental. “These are things that our users have been asking for and it’s awesome to be able to get it all together for them. We’re looking forward to seeing how it grows and enhancing it going forward, too.”

While all Point of Rental users can access uLearn to view product documentation, those who create an account in the system can create and manage current cases and see updates toward a resolution. Users can suggest additional documentation and videos that would help them through particular processes, as well, as the company strives to make uLearn as valuable as possible.

uLearn is now available for all of Point of Rental’s rental management systems – Essentials, Expert, Elite, and Syrinx. The company’s legacy in-product documentation platforms – namely, NetHelp – will no longer be updated and will eventually be completely replaced by uLearn on Sept. 24, 2024.

Sobre a Point of Rental Software

A Point of Rental fornece soluções de software de gestão de aluguel e inventário que conectam as pessoas de cada função de locação vertical e de trabalho, capacitando-as com as ferramentas necessárias para agilizar as operações e crescer estrategicamente. Por mais de 35 anos, a Point of Rental tem liderado a inovação da indústria, ganhando dezenas de prêmios de inovação e serviços para software de locação. Como uma Inc. de quatro vezes. 5000 empresas de crescimento mais rápido, a empresa atende clientes em 80 países diferentes a partir de escritórios em Dallas, Londres, Melbourne e Joanesburgo. Preencha o formulário abaixo para descobrir como uma equipe com mais de 600 anos de experiência em locação no local pode levá-lo onde você quer estar.

Como pode o Ponto de Aluguer ter impacto no seu negócio?
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