Syrinx: The Admin Session

Getting to grips with configuration in your Syrinx software. If this has been something you’ve always struggled with then let us dispel the mystery. Whether it’s creating new users, user roles or setting role privileges and more, we’ll show you how.
Expert/Elite: Data Management

Forget C.R.E.A.M. The new acronym this decade is D.R.E.A.M – Data Rules Everything Around Me. See how to make the most of Rental Expert & Elite’s Data Management Module (if you have it) and how it can help you build a brighter future for your company (if you don’t).
Building Successful Landing Pages

When your customers visit your website, what do they see? They already want to rent – make sure they get the info they need so they can get their order in to YOUR business quickly (regardless of device).
Make Your Content Pop

We’ll get a bit more in-depth into the editing process and how you can turn your footage into professional-looking video by adding a few (mostly free) ingredients. We’ll also share some of our favorite sources.
Syrinx: Workshop App

Equipment maintenance, whether at the depot or on customer sites, is typically a lengthy process. We’ll show you how the Workshop App completely revolutionises this by making it much more efficient and accurate. Whether it’s handling a service, inspection, breakdown, off-hire inspection and customer repairs, all information is stored electronically and regularly syncs with Syrinx.
Capturing Quality Content

Video is definitely the most engaging and effective type of content on the internet. But you don’t have to have a Hollywood budget to produce high-quality video – we’ll show you how to capture great footage that will impress your customers, competitors, and maybe even your family.
PartyCAD 101

Check out an overview of the basics of PartyCAD. You’ll also learn how to edit items within the software so you can import PartyCAD files into your Point of Rental software.
Syrinx: Operator App

This App integrates with Syrinx software to allow your machine operators to view their schedule, enter hours, and for your managers to see who’s available and when. We’ll show you the basics.
Create Enjoyable Content

You have some free time and you’d like to create content that will connect you to your community (and hopefully bring in some business). What can you do? What should you consider? We’ll tackle the 5 Ws of content creation. Then, next week, we’ll show you HOW to capitalize on your own content ideas.
Syrinx: Sales App

From creating and evaluating prospects to pricing and closing contracts, all in realtime. We’ll show you how your mobile sales team get access the information they need when they need it, with Syrinx Sales App.