uInnovate is Point of Rental's new product feedback system.

Problem Solvers: Point of Rental and uInnovate

Customers using Point of Rental will be in position to play an even bigger role in the software’s future. Point of Rental, which prides itself on innovation in response to customer needs, has introduced uInnovate, an online feedback management system that will guide future software enhancements.

“Listening to our customers has always played a huge role in driving innovation within our software,’” said CEO Wayne Harris. “uInnovate is going to make that process easier and more transparent, maximize our development team’s time, and produce updates that solve even more industry issues for more people.”

Point of Rental users who have a software suggestion will be able to access uInnovate from within their software. As they enter their idea, similar suggestions will pop up, allowing them to simply vote on an already-existing idea or continue to create their own. It’s also easy for a user to simply check out all the current suggestions and vote for the features that they’d like to see in the software. Users can also be notified when their suggestions are voted for and see where each suggestion is in the process of being adopted.

uInnovate is only available to customers using the most up-to-date version of Point of Rental software. See the innovative features developed based on last year’s suggestions, including RER’s Innovative Product Award-winning Inspection App, by contacting our sales team at [email protected] or call 844-943-7368.

Über Point of Rental Software

Point of Rental Software bietet intelligente, skalierbare Miet- und Bestandsverwaltungssoftware für über 5.000 Unternehmensstandorte aller Größen und Branchen. Mit Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Südafrika bietet Point of Rental der weltweiten Vermietungs- und Verleihbranche preisgekrönte Software und einen beispiellosen Kundensupport. Wenn Sie erfahren möchten, wie Ihr Unternehmen von Point of Rental profitieren kann, rufen Sie 844-943-7368 an, besuchen Sie pointofrental.com oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

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