Point of Rental software takes a picture to celebrate Earls 30 year anniversary

Point-of-Rental Careers: Not Just a Job

Last week, Point-of-Rental Software celebrated team member, Earl Sherman’s 30th anniversary with the company. Point-of-Rental was started in 1983 and Sherman was hired shortly thereafter.

Sherman originally worked behind the counter at Rental Stop, Point-of-Rental’s previously owned rental store that functioned as a test site for their rental management software. Over the years, Sherman has held various positions with the company, from counter staff and rental store manager, to software support specialist and software training specialist.

When asked about his role at Point-of-Rental, Sherman said, “It has been my experience that most people who call us just need some help. They have been dealing with confused and frustrated customers on their end. Because I have been there and empathize with them, I am able to provide a very personal level of support.”

“We are very excited to celebrate Earl’s 30th anniversary. He has been essential to our team over the years and is a great testament to who we are as a company and a team,” Point-of-Rental Software’s CEO, Wayne Harris said. “We really try to implement a family culture here at Point-of-Rental and cultivate an environment where employees will want to stay long-term, which this milestone attests to.”

With many company bonding events such as Top Golf outings, lake parties, and Fantasy Football leagues as well as robust employee benefit packages, Point-of-Rental attracts team members who want to stay long-term. And thirty years later, Sherman is a true testament that Point-of-Rental isn’t just a job, it’s a career.

To read more about the celebration, click here. To find out more about careers at Point-of-Rental, please visit point-of-rental.com/careers.

Sobre a Point of Rental Software

A Point of Rental fornece soluções de software de gestão de aluguel e inventário que conectam as pessoas de cada função de locação vertical e de trabalho, capacitando-as com as ferramentas necessárias para agilizar as operações e crescer estrategicamente. Por mais de 35 anos, a Point of Rental tem liderado a inovação da indústria, ganhando dezenas de prêmios de inovação e serviços para software de locação. Como uma Inc. de quatro vezes. 5000 empresas de crescimento mais rápido, a empresa atende clientes em 80 países diferentes a partir de escritórios em Dallas, Londres, Melbourne e Joanesburgo. Preencha o formulário abaixo para descobrir como uma equipe com mais de 600 anos de experiência em locação no local pode levá-lo onde você quer estar.

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