
Able 2 Rent All has been providing equipment hire services to the Atlanta area since John Douville founded the business 30 years ago. His sons, Cooper and Robert, help him manage operations, sales, and marketing. When Robert moved to New York City to take a marketing job, he enjoyed the area and made a lot of friends with startup businesses. He’s decided to remain in New York, but he wants to bring the insight he’s gaining to Able 2 Rent All. 


John and Cooper Douville run Able 2 Rent All’s operations down in Fayetteville, Ga. Robert lives in New York City, but he is still an important part of the business and is critical to the company’s operations and future. How can a manager stay involved in the operations of a business and really contribute to its growth when he’s not only away from the counter, but all the way up the East Coast? 


Point of Rental, paired with Able 2 Rent All’s VoIP phone services, allows anyone in the company with an internet connection to take calls, write contracts, and for managers to see key performance indicators that help them plan the company’s future.

Robert knew he wanted to move Able 2 Rent All’s software into the cloud, but he had to figure out a way to convince his dad, John, to switch to Essentials. What made convincing John so easy? “There’s no risk,” said Robert. “You can demo the software, you can see the potential advantages immediately, and if you like it, you can sign up and use it right then.” 

The Douvilles ran the software alongside their previous software while trying it out and discovered that not only did Point of Rental do what their old software did, it added functionality that their old software would never be able to provide. That’s when they made a seamless transition. The company uses paperless invoicing and collects digital signatures, which makes it easy for Able 2 Rent All’s customers to get what they need and pay their bills.

It also gives Robert the ability to make the entire world his office, as long as he has an internet connection. So whether he’s out building a network through the ARA’s Young Professionals Network, advocating on behalf of the industry, or even on the beach relaxing, he’s always able to hire out equipment.

“Recently, I was [at a beach just outside of New York City] that I often go to. I was there for a week and I was accepting phone calls and processing customers through Point of Rental,” said Robert. “That was probably one of the sweetest moments I’ve had.”


The Douvilles have been delighted with Point of Rental’s functionality, ease of use, and their commitment to enhancing the software.

“[Point of Rental] is constantly making new releases that have dramatic, positive impacts on my business,” said Robert. “To have somebody who’s basically just listening to the problems of your business and quickly providing solutions, that makes a really awesome business partner.”

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